I don’t think any of us anti-goalie people needed to see that crazy game to come to our conclusions. I just don’t get any enjoyment out of the goalie system, and it basically amounts to a spreadsheet problem we all have to solve each year.
The thing I asked myself this year, would it bother me as much if it were a higher buyin league? I don’t know. It just felt like work to do the goalie piece (because I am certainly not going to just phone it in).
Yeah, I know that.
I do enjoy the goalies. It's an extra sweat that adds a huge number of cheering events to a night without having an inordinate impact, I'd say. I think a non-goalie league would make for more boring sweats. (Fewer ways to win, fewer scoring events effecting your games, etc).
I've discussed before how I think it's more than a spreadsheet exercise. Quality of goalie is important. I think that's evidenced by Win/Ari not being aligned this year. Countered a bit by how much I paid for NJ, sure, but I was willing to buy them out in the first place to try to get a better quality set in the first place.
If we did away with goalies, I would advocate adding a dressed spot for skaters (maybe two). I think there should be a bigger impact on a nightly basis for those skaters that we actually scout, draft or bid on. Increases the sweats and is more skilful imo.