Lethbridge Golden Seals (-0.5) vs. The Ales (-1.5) BlackDevilHawks 0.5 vs. Whalers 0.5 TIE Newmarket Hurricanes 0.0 vs. Royal Oak Fearsome Beavers 3.0 Lost Cause 2.0 vs. Nickle City Nerf Herders 0.0 Toronto Rocket (-2.0) vs. KC Reserves 1.0 Broadway 3.0 vs. Injured Reserve 1.0 Iowa Crop Dusters 0.5 vs. Blindsides 2.0 asdfjkl; 0.5 vs. Broadway 3.0
Standings up to date through first 12 games, though I will go back to change some scores based on scoring changes - I know I lose a win vs Steve, I believe because of a Barkov goal being taken away.
lol I didn't get the joke, but I get it now. Steve and Jay both only have 4 points and way behind in the standings. And Jay has the 1st round picks for both teams, lol. haha
“imo it’s an optimal strategy for someone lazy like me, who tries to get the most out the least possible effort”